Weight Loss Wednesday | Week 2 And A New Challenge #BloggersWLW

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As you might know by now, I love challenges and when I saw there was a blog version of a weight loss challenge, I jumped right into it. This is my second week of my new weight loss wednesdays and I will continue this. the only difference is that I will be joining the “Bloggers Weight Loss Wednesday” group to do this and to keep myself motivated. So if you want to know more about this, keep on reading! ^^

Basically what it means to join this group, is that I will be posting every wednesday about weight loss, health, fitness and things like that, just like I was doing before. For more information and to join yourself, you can always go to “Barely There Beauty“! ^^ But for this first post of this new challenge I will start by telling you guys my goal and some things that inspire me!

My goal has been 56 kg for a long time, so that’s still what I’m aiming for. It’s one of my Day Zero goals too, so I hope to reach it this year! I’m starting of with a weight of 64,4 kg. this is the same as last week, but I’m fine with that. Better stay the same than gain, right! 😀 I also wanted to let you guys know that I’m using the app “MyFitnessPal”. If anyone wants to join me, you can add me at romina244 or leave your username in the comments and I will be happy to add you so we can support each other! ^^ Remember, losing weight together is a lot easier! ^^

I found 2 quotes that inspired me.

So now that I found some motivation and a group of support, let’s hope this gets easier and let’s hope I reach that goal! ^^